I recently found a photo, a heart breaking photo that goes viral on facebook.
A heartbreaking story.
The picture, of course, hasn't been taken in an orphanage. Later on, I found out it is a photo made by Bahareh Bisheh. An Iranian (and not Iraqi) photographer.
I realised there are more images like this.
And it seems that every single photography gives a comment on the global issues we usually only observe from far.
This Iranian artist managed to capture all the heartbreaking humiliations and brutal violations of the human rights in a simple and creative postures of people and drawings.
You can feel all those invisible emotions such us sadness, pain and hopelessness. Inner wounds that stay behind the on-going wars, humanitarian catastrophes and tragedies, such as those of thausands disappearing in the Mediterenian sea.
With a focus on the all forgotten women and children.
An Iranian artist opens many global questions on a very personal way. Her art forces us to think again. Not in numbers, but with a look into some individual destinies.
The most interesting part of this story is, that she never tried to make a political statement.
Here’s what she said about the photo:
“This little girl is my cousin and she actually fell asleep on the asphalt just outside my house. She must have played for some time and just lied to rest and fell asleep. I used a chair to stand on in order to take this shot. There is no orphanage involved and no tragic story behind this. I took this opportunity to be creative. It is a style of photography. You can use my photos in your webblag If you mention my name as the photographer of this Photo. Thanks to all for the consideration."
I think it is astonishing how much stronger emotional impact this artistic photografies can have in comparison with the tragic images of the real life, we see on daily basis.
And yes, remember the name Bahareh Bisheh, a woman photographer, born in the historical year 1989. Her time is up to come!