Bob Dylan. What a surprise.
Finaly, for some people and rather insane for the others. But there he is - after years of telling us that the anwser is blowin' in the wind.

He won the Nobel Prize in literature for having created new poetic expression within the great American song tradition.
The award caused some controversy, wrote the Guardian, particularly among writers arguing that the literary merits of Dylan’s work are not equal to those of some of his peers.
Dylan, 75, whose lyrics have influenced generations of fans, is the first songwriter to win the literature prize.
And it was wow. But not so much for the literature that not many know about. We all like his songs.
And yes, I agree with this twitt:
@Canucklehead56 #BobDylanNobel A wonderful & very well deserved honor 4 a guy who can say more in 5 lines than many can say in 5 chapters or even 5 books.
But honestly, does this mean, that the next generation of the Nobel nominations for literature will be focused on twitts?
Aren't we missing something here?

Btw. Apparently no news and no comments from Dylan yet. Some people in Sweden are getting nervous. Will he appear at the ceremony?
Will we ever know how does it feel?
Or it will be again just another blowin' in the wind.....